Anyway, researching on internet I've found this site that explains it all, but I beg you, not take them very seriously! And by the way, they've been the first ones in Australia too.
look at

"The engravings on face of Dighton Rock are the TRUE evidence. Any theory that does not have engravings on the face of Dighton Rock, cannot be sustained as a theory. See if you can identify the Portuguese National Symbols on the face of Dighton Rock."
At the same site you can find the secret discovery of Australia (it seems to have been really secret) by the portuguese.

SYDNEY (Reuters) - A 16th century maritime map in a Los Angeles library vault proves that Portuguese adventurers, not British or Dutch, were the first Europeans to discover Australia, says a new book which details the secret discovery of Australia.
The book "Beyond Capricorn" says the map, which accurately marks geographical sites along Australia's east coast in Portuguese, proves that Portuguese seafarer Christopher de Mendonça lead a fleet of four ships into Botany Bay in 1522 -- almost 250 years before Britain's Captain James Cook (...)
Personally I don't feel much inclined to believe in these theories, even 'cause after more accurated studies most of them simply can't stand for much longer. But in the case of the portuguese you can never tell, because they've been really ahead of their time (note at that time, and not for much longer) and spread their empire through Asia, Africa and America.
That makes me remember about a very weird theory about the Viking presence in Brasil, which was evident bullshit, but I will try to find and add to this blog.
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