At NY Public Library I've found more information about the jews that fled from Brasil, this time in another point of view, as you can notice in the text written:
"Twenty three Sephardic Jews arrived in New amsterdan in 1654, establishing the first permanent Jewish settlement in North America. Since 1492, when the inquisition expelled all Jews froms Spain, Sephardic Jews have been wandering through the Mediterranean region, Western Europe, the Caribbean and South America, seeking havens. Some had settled in the Dutch colony of Recife, in Brazil. When the Portuguese overwhelmed the Dutch, Jews had to flee. Some arrived in New Amsterdan because the Dutch had been sympathetic to the flight of jews from Spain. Although they were allowed to enter New Amsterdan, Governor Peter Stuyvesant protested their remaining. as a result of a petition by Jewish Dutch stockholders of the Dutch West India Company, Stuyvesant was compelled to permit them to stay.(...)
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