This is for music lovers: I've just found the most beautful site about Romica Puceanu (1928 - 1996), for those of you never heard her, or about her, here follows a brief introduction, and a very precious link for her work.
update Dec., 2019, link not working,
for those interested in the content of the original site, please contact me in the comments
instead, please visit:
"In November of 1996, the Romanian Gypsy singer, par excellence, Romica Puceanu, died in Bucharest as the result of an automobile accident. Greatly admired by those who knew her singing, she was, nonetheless, the unfortunate victim of a number of circumstances which prevented her receiving the acclaim which she deserved. By the 1960s and 70s she had become in Romania, the unrivaled interpreter of the cintec de pahar, that form of urban Romanian Gypsy song, a combination of Turkish and Romanian elements in a unique Gypsy setting. She possessed an exquisite voice and was singer of great sensitivity and depth. Romanian state policy in effect during most of the years during which Romica was in her prime, made it difficult for most artists, particularly Gypsies, to be heard abroad.(...)"Robert Garfias
department of anthropology
I was first introduced to Romica by a friend in Viena and her voice and singing touched me forever. This was the best introduction to romenian music one can have.
There are some recordings from Romica that been release not long ago, in a postumous homage to this great singer. I haven't heard it yet, and I believe it may be very interesting, but if you go to this site, you can listen to a lot more of her songs. My favorite always been 'Lume, lume', a very emotional tune, which i got completely amazed when I got the lyrics of. I put then down here in the original and in the translation of two romanians that live in the USA. More information below.
sung by Romica Puceanu
sung by Maria Tanase
Lume lume
Lume, lume, soră lumeLume, lume, soră lume
Când să mă satur de tine
Când să mă satur de tine
Lume, soră lume
Când s-o lăsa sec de pâine
Şi păhăruţul de mine
Poate-atunci m-oi sătura
Poate-atunci m-oi sătura
Când o suna scândura
Când o suna scândura
Lume, soră lume
Când m-or băga in mormânt
Şi n-oi mai fi pe pământ
Lume, soră lume
Aşa-i lumea trecătoare
C-aşa-i lumea trecătoare
Unul naşte altul moare
Unul naşte altul moare
Lume, soră lume
Ăl de naşte necăjeşte
Ăl de moare putrezeşte
Lume, soră lume
C-aşa-i lumea trecătoare
Unul naşte altul moare
Lume, soră lume
Ăl de naşte necăjeşte
Ăl de moare putrezeşte
Lume, soră lume
World, world
World, world, sister worldWorld, world, sister world
When will I have enough of you
When will I have enough of you
When I give up bread for Lent
And the glass will give up on me
Maybe then I'll have enough of you
Maybe then I'll have enough of you
When they hammer the nails on my coffin
When they hammer the nails on my coffin
World, sister world
When they put me in my grave
And I won't be on earth anymore
World, sister world
That's how the world is, transient
'Cause that's how the world is, transient
One is born, another dies
One is born, another dies
World, sister world
The born one suffers
The dead one rots
'Cause that's how the world is, transient
One is born, another dies
World, sister world
The born one suffers
The dead one rots
World, sister world

Maria Tanase (1913-1963) according to my romanians friends (the ones which translated 'Lume, lume') is better singer than Romica. No doubt she's an excelent singer. You can listen to a lot of her music in their site, which is totally devoted to romanian culture, and take you own conclusion. They told me Romica has a more urban singing, while Maria has a more tradicional approuch. Both can resume the changes that romanian society passed through the 20th century.
Go to romanian music, and don't forget to thank these guys for the beautful work they do.
2 comentários:
Here it is one more beautiful song by Romica:
Could you please send me a translation of her marvellous 'Agurida'?
Agurida, Agurida
Puica neichi a dorita
Ah manca-ti-as gurita fripta
Ochisorii sa ti-i beau
Ochisorii sa ti-i beau
Intr-un pahar de clestar
Intr-un pahar de clestar
Ca dupa drumuri nu mai stau
Si vino neicuta calare
Ca trece Dunarea mare
Si te taie la picioare
Si te taie la picioare
Si de-o fi dor dupa nevasta
Sa-ti lasi calul sa mai pasca
Da, dar de-o fi dorul dupa muma
sa-ti faci calul tot o spuma
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