Day 24
Still in London, I went to the Natural History Museum to see the human fossils there (if there were some), as I am tracing human history, and specially concerning the Neanderthal that supposedly been the first human to settle Britain.
But before get there, I had the chance to see the “Roman” house at Lower Grosvernor Garden, and realized, there is actually two of those houses there, but no explanation of what it is at all. There’s no much reference of it nowhere, even at the internet. Maybe they are not so important.
From Grosvernor I made my way to the Museum, which was really crowded. Probably is like that everyday, because there were nothing exceptional, just lots of kids, and security counters.
I could find easily what I was looking for, a small summary on record fossils of the human evolution, from the apes to the other extinct humanoids. It was a clear approach, showing most of the features and the way it changed during millions of years.

The Sivapitecines lived around 14 and 8 million years ago. the hard enamel teeth suggest they are related with homo sapiens family. Their fossils were found in Turkey and in South Asia.

The Cro Magnon is considered a Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and were the first human to reach Britain when it wasn't an island yet. With the end of the Ice Age, drastic changes took place in Britain, in a span of a few years. England became an island, and lost a lot of ground to the sea. Scotland defrost and a significant area of it raised from the sea. Forests grew and new specimens appeared and other became extinct. The Cro Magnon must have been in contact with other Sapiens that reached Britain by boat in the end of the Ice Age. This was a time of significant development in human culture.
It is uncertain exactly when modern humans appeared in Britain, but there's no evidence of their presence before the 29.000 BC, and older remains than those of the "red man" in Wales.

The modern humans are quite like we are when you compare their brain size, head format, habilities with tools, and some aspects of the culture. They were hunter gatherers, they had fire technology, and made burials for their dead. It would take thousands of years before metal intruments or agriculture arrive in Britain.
This small chart helps to summarize the early human development, I got in this site
Old Stone Age Lower Palaeolithic 350,000 - 70,000 BC
Middle Palaeoloithic 70,000 - 30,000 BC
Upper Palaeolithic 30,000 - 10,000 BC
Middle Stone Age Mesolithic 10,000 - 4,000 BC
New Stone Age Neolithic 4,000 - 2,500 BC
Bronze Age 2,500 BC - 800 BC
Iron Age 800 - 43 AD
In general it can be accepted human presence in Britain from the Middle/Upper Palaeolithic onward. This corresponds to the Ice Age, and the life conditions in this time must have been harsh. The end of the Upper Palaeolithic and the Middle Stone Age corresponds to the very beginning of the agriculture, which must have reached England around the New Stone Age. The first farmers in Britain were responsible for the Burial Chambers and most of the Calendary Monuments erected. It was when time counting and burial ceremonies were most important. That's when the forests started to be cleared for agriculture.
I found a book from an author that interests me, Jared Diamond, called “The Rise and Fall of the Third Ape”, and it is one of the many I got to read...
From the museum, I went to visit the Alfred and Victoria Collection, but I could not enjoy much really. My head was really miles away.
After a brief lunch I headed for the Mithras Temple, the remains of an Roman temple that was found in 1954, during an excavation to the construction of Bucklesburry House. The remains were transported to the site where it is now, at Queen Victoria Street, and reconstructed as it appeared when was found, 18 feet below the new site.
Temples to Mithras were typically built underground, or in a cave, or under an existing building. They were intended to symbolise the cave where Mithras killed the primordial bull and released powers of life and creativity to the world. The temples of Mithras have no windows, and have two side benches, where people would sit and take a ritual meal.
The worship to Mithras was usual amongst the roman troops, and inicially came from Persia. It is considered now an iniciatory order, with seven ranks. The rite would change according with the place where it was practiced. In some places there are records of women taking place of the cult.
There is no original Mithraic text remaining, and most of what we know about come from a papyrus from the 4th century.

The Temple dates back the 2nd century and is very simple: rectangular shape, with two corridors sided by columns, no more than 6x 18 meters, an altar in the back with a rounded apse behind it. The Mithras shows how the Roman buildings were built, with strong structure. It was probably demolished in one of the several London raids after the 5th century, by the Normans, the Anglo Saxons, the Danes... Sometimes brick and stone were important material to build other houses or monuments.

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